Kim's Piano Studio
Level 1 (for beginning piano students)
1. What letters are in the music alphabet?
2. Which is longer, a quarter note, or a half note?
3. How many lines are in a staff?
4. How many spaces?
5. What is the name of the sign that is put on the staff for playing notes below middle C?
6. What is the name of the sign on the staff for playing notes above middle C?
7. Can you name the line notes of the Treble Clef?
8. What are the space notes for the Treble Clef?
9. What are the line notes for the Bass Clef?
10. What are the space notes for the Bass Clef?
Level 1 (for intermediate piano students)
1. What notes are in the C scale?
2. What notes make up a C chord?
3. What are the names of the other two primary chords in the key of C?
4. Besides letter names, Roman numerals are used to name the primary chords. What are they?
5. What letters make up a G7 chord?
6. What letters make up an F chord?
7. What scale has one sharp?
8. What are the primary chords in this scale?
9. How many 16 notes fit into a quarter note?
10. How many 8th notes fit into a whole note?
Level 1 (for more advanced students)
1. Name the order of flats as they go on the staff.
2. Name the order of sharps as they go on the staff.
3. What major key has 4 flats?
4. What major key has 4 sharps?
5. What is the relative minor to C major?
6. What is the parallel minor to C major?
7. What interval is C up to Bb?
8. What interval is D up to G?
9. What interval is A down to E?
10. What interval is B down to F?
Level 2 (for beginning piano students)
1. Name the following notes in the Bass clef:
3rd space _______ 1st line________ 4th space _________ 2nd space__________
5th line ________ 3rd line _______ 1st space _________ 2nd line ___________
2. How many quarter notes are in a whole note?
3. How many half notes are in a whole note?
4. How many quarter notes are in a half note?
5. Name the following notes in the Treble clef:
3rd space _______ 1st line________ 4th space _________ 2nd space__________
5th line ________ 3rd line _______ 1st space _________ 2nd line ___________
6. What divides music into measures?
7. What are the numbers at the beginning of the staff in a line of music?
8. What finger number is used for your pinkies?
9. What finger number is used for your thumbs?
10. What is the name of the staff that is used for piano music?
Level 2 (for intermediate piano students)
1. What notes are in the G major scale?
2. What notes make up a G chord?
3. What are the names of the other two primary chords in the key of G?
4. Besides letter names, Roman numerals are used to name the primary chords. What are they?
5. What letters make up a D7 chord?
6. What letters make up an C chord?
7. What major scale has 2 sharps?
8. What are the primary chords in this scale?
9. What is a triplet?
10. How many 8th note triplets fit into a measure with 3 beats?
Level 2 (for more advanced students)
The following composition assignments are to be completed in the order given.
1.) FIGURE: The smallest part of a phrase, a figure is made up of at least 2 notes arranged by the composer.
Assignment: Compose 10 different figures. Use a variety of rhythms.
2.)MOTIVE: A carefully chosen pattern, made up of figures that is used repeatedly
throughout the composition. The motive may be changed or embellished somewhat
and still be considered to be the same motive.
Assignment: Compose 5 different motives.
3)CADENCE: A set of chords with melody notes that end a phrase.
There are basically 5 types of cadences: Perfect Authentic Cadence (PAC)
Imperfect Authentic Cadence (IAC)
Half cadence
Plagal cadence
Deceptive Cadence
Assignment: Memorize these 5 types.
4)PERFECT AUTHENTIC CADENCE: This cadence is made of aV7 (or a plain V chord)
chord going to a I chord. The melody note MUST be the tonic note
in the I chord. This cadence is most commonly used to end a section
of a work and also at the very end of the piece.
Assignment: Make (5) I chords in each of the following keys: C, F, G.
When you are finished with that, make (5 ) V7 chords in each of the same keys.
Now draw 5 measures for each key (C,F,G), separating them by a double bar line.
In each, using half notes, draw V7 chords followed by I chords.
That is the PAC. Play and listen carefully.
5)IMPERFECT AUTHENTIC CADENCE: A set of chords just like the PAC except the tonic note is NOT in the melody.
Assignment: Draw 5 measures for each key (C,F,G), separating each one with a double bar line.
In each, using half notes, draw V7 chords followed by I chords, making sure the melody note
is not the tonic. Play and listen carefully.
6)HALF CADENCE: This cadence is merely a phrase that has ended with a V7 or V chord.
It is not used at the end of a work. The piece would not sound complete
if a half cadence were used.
Assignment: Look at a piece of your current music you are playing.
Locate and circle, with a pencil, 5 different half cadences.
7)PLAGAL CADENCE: This cadence is made up of a IV chord going to a I chord. It is most often used
in hymns for what is known as the “Amen” part.
Assignment: Make (5) IV chords in each key (C,F,G).
Then draw 5 measures, for each, separating each with a double bar line.
Using half notes, draw IV chords going to I chords.
Play each measure and listen carefully.
8)DECEPTIVE CADENCE: This cadence is used to “fool” or “surprise” the listener.
It comes where an Authentic Cadence (either Perfect or Imperfect) would be.
It is made up of a V or V7 chord going to a VI chord or occasionally some other chord.
Assignment: Make (5) VI chords for each key (C,F,G)
When you are finished, draw 5 measures for each, separating each with a double bar line.
Using half notes, draw (5) V7 chords going to VI chords.
Play each measure and listen carefully.
If you need help with these assignments or would like me to check them
after you do them, bring them into your next lesson.